April 19, 2010

Beautiful rock

This is where my husband and I were 'marooned' during the past four days: the gorgeous Bellarocca Island Resort and Spa. The resort opened only in 2009 and is perched on a tiny, rocky island off the bigger island of Marinduque, a province south of Manila located between Tayabas Bay and the Sibuyan Sea. This photo hardly does Bellarocca justice but it is my only photo of the whole island. However, I did take lots of pictures at the resort, so we will be spending the next few days there. BELLAROCCA SERIES #1

Bellarocca Island Resort and Spa

Thank you to all those who still visited and left comments on my blog during the days that we were away. I also hope that all our blogger friends in Europe are home safe and sound. The resort had no newspapers and we do not watch TV, and though it has internet connection, we didn't bring a laptop so I only got to read about Eyjafjallajokull when we got back.


Clueless in Boston said...

If you have to be marooned, this looks like the place to be.

Lowell said...

Oh, I feel so sorry for you, marooned on that desolate island, surrounded by nothing but water! :-))

I'll bet you had a blast! Looking forward to many more photos!

Anonymous said...

Looks like "a psalm" to me.

Luckily returned "in time" from Germany, as it would have been very difficult now. Yet, over here in Greece, media and weathermen say that the cloud won't reach - for now. Speaking of clouds, while being away, most of the palm trees where cut, as small green bugs arrived with the last dust cloud from Africa, said to have eaten the branches and more.
Wishing you a wonderful start into the new week, filled with only clean and fresh air.

daily athens

brattcat said...

You two go on the best adventures!

Dave-CostaRicaDailyPhoto.com said...

This looks like what we would call a "destination resort." I look forward to more photos during the coming days.

Kaori said...

I can tell I'm going to enjoy this week's posts! :)

Olivier said...

une superbe ile, on dirait l'ile du docteur moreau ;o)

Dina said...

The shape and looks of this place is hard to believe. And you were there!

JTG (Misalyn) said...

Looks like a nice place to get tan :) I echo Kaori's comment :) and am excited.

Reena said...

omg!!!!! looking forward to your next posts!

Cezar and Léia said...

Outstanding place!Thanks so much for sharing this picture!
A romantic and perfect place for a vacation!

Lois said...

What a wonderful place to get away! Looking forward to more pictures.

Louis la Vache said...

Looks a little like Alcatraz...
Glad you escaped!

T. Becque said...

It looks very small - how fun! But I'm feeling envious, I have no vacation planned for a while.

Photo Cache said...

Feels like Europe or some exotic island. I can't recall which blogger (must've been Ferdz/Ironwulf) who blogged about this.

That sounds like a luxurious place to visit. I hope you're all refreshed, buffed, polished and ready to tackle the metropolitan living again.

Rob Siemann said...

Nice place to be marooned! Happy holidays!

Priyanka Khot said...

Looks like a beautiful retreat! Hope you had a wonderful time.

VP said...

You have to show us something more about this...

George said...

It may be small, but it looks gorgeous. I look forward to seeing more.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful panorama...
Have u visit Indonesia, sizt..

kcatwoman said...

i read all of the bellaroca series and it was amazing. feels like i went on a vacation too. have a nice day, and thanks for sharing
