July 16, 2009


Another Filipiniana dress from the exhibit that I caught at the SM City North mall. The butterfly sleeves, simpler neckline and contoured bodice identify this as a terno. Traditional dresses such as the terno and Maria Clara are still worn by Filipino women nowadays, but usually only during formal occasions. However, this is also the first time I've seen a terno's sleeves made completely out of beads and golden ornaments. This fantastic creation is the work of David Ocampo.

terno with fully-beaded sleeves created by David Ocampo


Don and Krise said...

That is something else. Will you be modeling it for us Hilda?

James said...

It's beautiful but I think I would like it even more if the sleeves were made of softer material. This would even look great sleeveless.
It looks like a work of art.

Btw I don't wear dresses. :-)

Lois said...

It's gorgeous, but I wonder how comfortable it would be to wear!

Anonymous said...

That is simply gorgeous. I want one :-D

Gunn said...

Wow,-this is ART!
I guess this was very expensive !?

Clueless in Boston said...

Beautiful dress. It is very artistic.

Strangely enough the word verification I have to key in is "hotshe" and I am not making this up.

melanie said...

C'est vraiment splendide mais ce doit être difficile à porter !

marley said...

That is exquisit! Very glam.

Stefan Jansson said...

I'm with Don and Krise on this one!

Lowell said...

It is beautiful, but I can't imagine it would be too comfortable to wear to the office...

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

I hate to think the amount of time it took to bead those sleeves. Very pretty.

Lisa Wilson said...

Beautiful and artistic!

escape said...

now i wonder how long it took them to finish it.

Olivier said...

une robe qui doit faire rêver toutes les femmes, elle est magnifique
a dress which must make dream about all women, it is splendid

VP said...

You need strong shoulders and a bodyguard tho wear this... Absolutely wonderful.

D said...

It's beautiful! But you cold only wear it to a formal occasion for a short duration - looks a little itchy!

Halcyon said...

That headdress is stunning. I'd love to see it on a person. I bet it looks great!

Neva said...

This is a beautiful dress. I love the fashions associated with other cultures. I wonder if the beads would make this heavy?

Bergson said...

Melanie is right, I do not see myself with that held

Anonymous said...

That would be the wrong outfit for any girl to wear on a date. :-) The guy would have a hard time getting close enough to give her a peck on the cheek, goodnight.

Pick a Peck of Pixels

Anonymous said...

Oooh shiny! It looks fun, though I'm not sure I'd be brave enough to wear it!

Anonymous said...

Now this is real art, can almost remember how my granny used to do things like this for Imelda.

Anonymous said...

looking so beautiful .But sad is that wearing this is heavy.Too hard & heavy to wear.


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Ming the Merciless said...

The sleeves are unmistakeably Filipina. Amazing embroidery work on the dress.

Anonymous said...

That is great craft work - I like sparkles - I want to have this in my room and look at it every day - just enough sparkle for me!

Tussy said...

It is so beautiful, sparkles and very neat work done too.